Tag Archives: worries

25 is not just a number.

Most of my batchmates (myself included) will turn 25 this year. This means that I will be reading more status messages on Facebook and/or Twitter about life choices, realizations, engagements, weddings and more. Most of us, if not all, will be wondering if we made the right choices in life. Case in point: Did I take the right college course? Did I end up in my dream job? Or a sucky job that pays? Am I with the right man? Am I going to marry soon?

I am quite certain that there will be more questions in the future. These life questions will never end and the best way to get an answer is to go out and find it.

I promised myself that I will write 25 things I have learned in my short life. Since insomnia pretty much took over my night life since I resigned, I managed to finish the list earlier this morning and I am pretty excited to share it with you.

Here you go. In no particular order.

1.) Happiness is a choice.

The first time I became genuinely happy was when I decided to become a happy person. It only takes 5 minutes to change your mindset and I didn’t think of that for the past 22 years.

2.) Laugh.

It’s contagious.

3.) Thank the people who love you. Embrace the people who hate you.

Accept everyone. Good or bad. They made you who you are now.

4.) Accept things you cannot control.

Never attempt to control things you know you have no power over. Know where you stand and act accordingly.

5.) Do what you love.

And love what you do. You can only live a life that is yours. Live it well.

6.) It is okay to look back, but never get stuck.

Learn from your mistakes but don’t let it get to you. Learn and move on.

7.) Inspire people. 

Because at some point, somebody inspired you. Thank you Daddy, Amang Jun, Milan Kundera and Haruki Murakami.

8.) Teach. 

My Daddy always tells me “Share what you know. Life is about sharing.”

9.) Love like there’s no tomorrow. 

A cliche we pretend to dislike. Love your family, love your work, love your partner. Love or do not love at all.

10.) It is okay to make mistakes.

And it’s a sin to commit the same mistake. Tattoo the mistake in your head. Let it serve as a reminder that you have learned something and that you have grown a better version of yourself.

11.) Study. Go back to school.

Not because it will look good on your resume but because there are some things that you still haven’t learned when you were in school. Go back and claim it. You’d be surprised.

12.) Have an edge.

Think of yourself as a product on a supermarket shelf. Will you buy you? If you hesitated, you know what you have to do. Find your strength and work on it. Do whatever it takes to have an edge. Never stop asking yourself, “Will you buy you?”

13.) Finish unfinished businesses.

End it whatever it is.

14.) Listen.

People/things/events may change your life. Pay attention.

15.) You know nothing except yourself.

So do not judge people. You have no idea about them but you know yourself. Restrain.

16.) Do not assume.

You cannot know everything. You may have missed an important point.

17.) Read and take notes.

Educate yourself. This will not only give you confidence but it will also make you a better person. Knowledge is power.

18.) Thank your teachers.

Whoever they are, at some point in your life, someone taught you the way.

19.) Drink your coffee slowly.

Savor it.

20.) Talk face to face with people.

You will feel ten times better talking to a friend face to face than talking to ten friends on Facebook simultaneously through chat. Nothing beats a face to face conversation.

21.) Ask someone out on a date.

Aside from your boyfriend/girlfriend. Ask a good friend out on a date. New adventures await.

22.) Connect with old friends.

They say that people’s lives change every six months. Aren’t you curious?

23.) Ask questions.

You will regret it if you don’t.

24.) Answer questions.

Some people may think that you have an answer for them, and maybe you do. Trust yourself to answer.

25.) Travel.

Because every place I’ve been to has a special invisible place in my memory and heart. Traveling gives you a new perspective every time. It gives you a sense of wonder that you will not find elsewhere. You are never the same person every single time.

Do you have your own list? Share it with me! 🙂

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